Six Pack Party Harder

After Six Pack Party Starter, came Six Pack Party Harder! Much like it's name suggests this version was punchier and more dramatic.

If Six Pack Party Starter was NSFW, we don’t have an acronym to describe its older sibling. While retaining the basic six pack concept, (of 6 drinking games in a box) we knew we had to create a game that looked and felt completely different.

And so, Mister Bottles came to life!

Mister Bottles is usually accompanied by his friends, and together they make a merry mess - much like the objective of the game!

Never Have I Ever
Heard the phrase “I don’t kiss and tell?” Well, Never Have I Ever will make you. A lol a minute, it’s the best way to find out what your friends have been up to while you were sleeping. To bring this concept home, we used Mister Bottles trying to get frisky with their friends, albeit innocently.
Since most of our best kept secrets are shared in group chats with fervour to only our BFFs we used the texting format to display the content for these cards!

Queen’s Cup
Move over Kings - there’s a new game in town, and she’s here to stay (case in point: Queen E vs. ANY King ever) Queen’s Cup is everything King’s, with just a little bit more!
Since we had already created the perfect cocktail glass suits for the pack of cards in Six Pack Party Starter , we gave them an animated persona in #SixPackPartyHarder. After all, we all know that (l)ips don’t lie.

Tick Tock
This game isn’t as trending as the banned app yet. But it’s definitely the game you play when you have the appetite for some good old school competition!
Mister Bottles gets in the mood to take on his feisty friends, all in the span of 6 short seconds.

Bachelorette Taboo
A boy walked into a bachelorette party. And his face looked exactly like Mister Bottles!
This deck is filled with scandalous, fun and flirty words - perfect for an all girls trip, or a house party. Of course, Mister Bottles had to look the part of the embarrassed adult!

Beer There, Done That
Mister Bottles wanted a rager, and so he brought all his friends in for this one. Beer There Drunk That is Uno, meets drinking games - could it BE any better?
We used the nine pin bowling alley look, and made sure all the bottles were upto their own kind of mischief

Whiskey Business
Just like the name suggests, this game is not for the faint hearted. Mister Bottles feeling the 4am hangover is exactly when this punchy orange deck should be pulled out to get everyone’s darkest, deepest secrets FASTEST.

Client: House of Sasha

Six Pack Party Harder

After Six Pack Party Starter, came Six Pack Party Harder! Much like it's name suggests this version was punchier and more dramatic.

If Six Pack Party Starter was NSFW, we don’t have an acronym to describe its older sibling. While retaining the basic six pack concept, (of 6 drinking games in a box) we knew we had to create a game that looked and felt completely different.

And so, Mister Bottles came to life!

Mister Bottles is usually accompanied by his friends, and together they make a merry mess - much like the objective of the game!

Never Have I Ever
Heard the phrase “I don’t kiss and tell?” Well, Never Have I Ever will make you. A lol a minute, it’s the best way to find out what your friends have been up to while you were sleeping. To bring this concept home, we used Mister Bottles trying to get frisky with their friends, albeit innocently.
Since most of our best kept secrets are shared in group chats with fervour to only our BFFs we used the texting format to display the content for these cards!

Queen’s Cup
Move over Kings - there’s a new game in town, and she’s here to stay (case in point: Queen E vs. ANY King ever) Queen’s Cup is everything King’s, with just a little bit more!
Since we had already created the perfect cocktail glass suits for the pack of cards in Six Pack Party Starter , we gave them an animated persona in #SixPackPartyHarder. After all, we all know that (l)ips don’t lie.

Tick Tock
This game isn’t as trending as the banned app yet. But it’s definitely the game you play when you have the appetite for some good old school competition!
Mister Bottles gets in the mood to take on his feisty friends, all in the span of 6 short seconds.

Bachelorette Taboo
A boy walked into a bachelorette party. And his face looked exactly like Mister Bottles!
This deck is filled with scandalous, fun and flirty words - perfect for an all girls trip, or a house party. Of course, Mister Bottles had to look the part of the embarrassed adult!

Beer There, Done That
Mister Bottles wanted a rager, and so he brought all his friends in for this one. Beer There Drunk That is Uno, meets drinking games - could it BE any better?
We used the nine pin bowling alley look, and made sure all the bottles were upto their own kind of mischief

Whiskey Business
Just like the name suggests, this game is not for the faint hearted. Mister Bottles feeling the 4am hangover is exactly when this punchy orange deck should be pulled out to get everyone’s darkest, deepest secrets FASTEST.

Client: House of Sasha