Saffron Stories

Saffron Stories creates educational and recreational toys for children with a focus on India related topics. Using simple games as tools like puzzles, card games and activity cards, they help children learn about the history and cultural diversity our country has to offer. Founded by two young moms, Saffron Stories hopes to close the gap most young parents face today where their own knowledge is limited, and sources to find crisp facts can be complicated. 

Speech bubbles signify storytelling and free flowing communication. In this case between parent and child. We wanted to encourage innovative learning and lots of conversation so that parents and children alike can learn about our Indian Heritage. The speech bubble then became synonymous with their communication to their clients. We used them on their packaging sleeves and additional collaterals. 

Monument Series

The monument series deck focuses on 6 famous Monuments across India. Each monument has 6 cards dedicated to it. These INDSIGHT (see what we did there?) cards have:

1. How the monument looks

2. Brief History of how it came to be

3. An anecdote about the monument

4. Which festivals are celebrated at the monument

5. A few fun facts

 6. Build your own monument: An interactive card that engages the child beyond learning facts, and helps them think laterally

Goddess Series

The goddess series depicts 6 Hindu Goddesses from Indian Mythology. Each Goddess had 6 cards dedicated to her. These INDSIGHT cards have:

1. An Illustration of the Goddess

2. Let’s get to know the Goddess

3. Brief history

4. A festival associated with the Goddess

5.The sanskrit mantra associated with the goddess in Hindi & English

6. Image Search: An interactive card that applies the knowledge the kids learnt in the 5 previous cards in an innovative manner.

Paper Blocks

The simple paper blocks for kids aged 3 and under help kids develop motor skills while raising awareness and recognition of Indian goddesses as well as our most iconic monuments

Client: Saffron Stories

Saffron Stories

Saffron Stories creates educational and recreational toys for children with a focus on India related topics. Using simple games as tools like puzzles, card games and activity cards, they help children learn about the history and cultural diversity our country has to offer. Founded by two young moms, Saffron Stories hopes to close the gap most young parents face today where their own knowledge is limited, and sources to find crisp facts can be complicated. 

Speech bubbles signify storytelling and free flowing communication. In this case between parent and child. We wanted to encourage innovative learning and lots of conversation so that parents and children alike can learn about our Indian Heritage. The speech bubble then became synonymous with their communication to their clients. We used them on their packaging sleeves and additional collaterals. 

Monument Series

The monument series deck focuses on 6 famous Monuments across India. Each monument has 6 cards dedicated to it. These INDSIGHT (see what we did there?) cards have:

1. How the monument looks

2. Brief History of how it came to be

3. An anecdote about the monument

4. Which festivals are celebrated at the monument

5. A few fun facts

 6. Build your own monument: An interactive card that engages the child beyond learning facts, and helps them think laterally

Goddess Series

The goddess series depicts 6 Hindu Goddesses from Indian Mythology. Each Goddess had 6 cards dedicated to her. These INDSIGHT cards have:

1. An Illustration of the Goddess

2. Let’s get to know the Goddess

3. Brief history

4. A festival associated with the Goddess

5.The sanskrit mantra associated with the goddess in Hindi & English

6. Image Search: An interactive card that applies the knowledge the kids learnt in the 5 previous cards in an innovative manner.

Paper Blocks

The simple paper blocks for kids aged 3 and under help kids develop motor skills while raising awareness and recognition of Indian goddesses as well as our most iconic monuments

Client: Saffron Stories